Component Properties
Every Component has its own properties
to make them work for a variety of cases. You may have a look at the table describing all the possibilities. Check out for example the Button Properties.
Both the properties- and event names are using snake case to support a universal naming convention, with a background and requirement on supporting Web Components.
Large Buttons & Icons
Below are some examples. You can even modify them right away in the Browser.
<Buttonvariant="secondary"text="Secondary Button"icon="chevron_right_medium"size="large"/><Buttonicon="chevron_right"icon_size="medium"size="large"/>
Extended example
const Wrapper = styled.div`.dnb-button {--button-width: 4rem;--button-height: 4rem;--button-border-radius: 2rem;svg {color: fuchsia;}}`const myHandler = () => alert('Hello')render(<Wrapper><Buttonvariant="secondary"icon={hamburgerIcon}size="default"on_click={myHandler}/><Buttonvariant="secondary"size="default"on_click={myHandler}><Icon icon={hamburgerIcon} /></Button></Wrapper>)
Web Components and properties
What if a property has to change at runtime?
Changing a property (props
) at runtime is a common thing in React. But also @dnb/eufemia
web components support prop
Keep in mind that not all components are tested to the last detail.
So, if you come over some special use cases, please contribute back and make a pull request.
const Component = () => {const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString()React.useEffect(() => {Button.enableWebComponent()}, [])return (<dnb-inputlabel="Web Component property updates:"value={time}></dnb-input>)}const RenderHelper = () => {React.useEffect(() => {const timer = setInterval(() => render(<RenderHelper />), 1e3)return () => clearInterval(timer)}, [])return <Component />}render(<RenderHelper />)