Web Components
So called Custom Elements running as a Web Component can be used to run the @dnb/eufemia
components in all other frameworks like Dojo.
Limitations: Both nested Web Components and the usage of React Context is not supported. But can be implemented if needed.
Update Properties
There are two ways of updating properties:
- You can change the HTML attributes
- You can use a method called
Change HTML attributes
<dnb-button text="Primary"></dnb-button><script>const myElem = document.querySelector('.my-component')myElem.setAttribute('text', 'secondary')</script>
Using With that approach, you would not change the actual attributes, only the underlying React properties. But this gives you the possibility to also pass function
<dnb-button text="Button"></dnb-button><script>const myElem = document.querySelector('.my-component')myElem.setProps('text', 'updated text')myElem.setProps({on_change: function (event) {},})</script>
Example usage
Once the method enableWebComponents
is executed, we can use our web components right away in our HTML markup.
You can use Web Components in various situations. But one of the main situations will be:
- Build step
- Browser based composition, using UMD or ESM (mjs) bundles
Web Components with build step
There are several different ways to enable Web Components:
// Method #1 (will import all components)import { enableWebComponents } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/lib'enableWebComponents()// Method #2 (will import all components)import '@dnb/eufemia/components/web-components'// Method #3 (will import all components)import '@dnb/eufemia/web-components'// Method #4// Will import only the code for the Button// NB: web-component without "s"import '@dnb/eufemia/components/button/web-component'// Method #5// Will only enable the Button Web Componentimport { Button } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/Button'Button.enableWebComponent()
Web Components with UMD
Browser based composition.
<body><dnb-button icon="chevron_right">My Button</dnb-button><!-- Required --><script src="https://unpkg.com/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script><!-- Method #1 --><script src="https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/umd/dnb-ui-icons.min.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/umd/dnb-ui-web-components.min.js"></script><script type="application/javascript">console.log(window.dnbWebComponents)</script><!-- Method #2 --><script src="https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/umd/dnb-ui-icons.min.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/umd/dnb-ui-lib.min.js"></script><script type="application/javascript">window.dnbLib.enableWebComponents()</script></body>
Web Components with ESM (mjs)
Browser based composition by using ESM bundles with the mjs
file extension.
To support importmap, we can load a polyfill like es-module-shims and adding a suffix: -shim
. NB: Right now the ESM bundles are delivered with ES5 code, but in future, this will change to be ES6. That means it's not future IE11 proof out of the box.
<body><dnb-button icon="chevron_right">My Button</dnb-button><scriptdefersrc="https://unpkg.com/es-module-shims/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script><script type="importmap-shim">{"imports": {"react": "...","react-dom": "...","../icons/primary_icons.js": "https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/esm/dnb-ui-icons.min.mjs","../icons/primary_icons_medium.js": "https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/esm/dnb-ui-icons.min.mjs"}}</script><scripttype="module-shim"src="https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/esm/dnb-ui-lib.min.mjs">// Enable every custom element by defaultimport 'https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/esm/dnb-ui-web-components.min.mjs'// or enable them this wayimport { Button, enableWebComponents } 'https://unpkg.com/@dnb/eufemia/esm/dnb-ui-lib.min.mjs'// then, either allenableWebComponents()// or only buttonsButton.enableWebComponent()</script></body>
Web Component example: Button
() => {Button.enableWebComponent()return (<dnb-button icon="chevron_right" text="Custom Element" />)}
Web Component example: Input
() => {Button.enableWebComponent()Input.enableWebComponent()return (<form><dnb-input label="Label" placeholder="My Placeholder" right="small">My Value</dnb-input><dnb-button type="submit" text="Submit" /></form>)}
You may have a look at HTML & ES5 event handling for both Declarative and Imperative usage and examples.
More Web Component examples
Have a look at this UDM example app as well as the Web Component example.