Component helpers

All components have various function helpers, you also can use in projects.


Checks if a value is Truthy or Falsy.

import { isTrue } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
isTrue(String | Boolean | Number) // returns Boolean


Checks if the target device has touch support.

import { isTouchDevice } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
isTouchDevice() // returns Boolean


Transforms a string from snake_case to PascalCase.

import { toPascalCase } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
toPascalCase(String) // returns String


Transforms a string from snake_case to camelCase.

import { toCamelCase } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
toCamelCase(String) // returns String


Transforms a string from PascalCase to snake_case.

import { toSnakeCase } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
toSnakeCase(String) // returns String


Transforms a string from PascalCase to kebab-case.

import { toKebabCase } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
toKebabCase(String) // returns String


Filters out unwanted entries from either an object or array.

import { filterProps } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
filterProps(props: Object|Array, remove*: Object|Array, allowed*: Object|Array) // returns Object|Array

* Optional values (defaults)

  • remove = null
  • allowed = null


Creates a truly unique hash.

import { makeUniqueId } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
makeUniqueId(prefix*: String, length*: Number) // returns String

* Optional values (defaults)

  • prefix = ''
  • length = 8


Breaks down phrases of words to be URI compatible. Removes special characters.

import { slugify } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
slugify(String) // returns String


Checks if an element has a scrollbar.

import { checkIfHasScrollbar } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
checkIfHasScrollbar(HTMLElement) // returns Boolean


Converts one or more HTMLElements to a string.

import { convertJsxToString } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
convertJsxToString(element: HTMLElement, separator*: String) // returns Boolean

* Optional values (defaults)

  • separator = undefined



Invalidates DOM elements to be accessible for a keyboard or a screen reader. Is used by the Modal.


Use an object with these optional parameters:

  • tabIndex: boolean (defaults to true) to disable tabindex invalidation.
  • ariaHidden: boolean (defaults to true) to disable aria-hidden invalidation.


import { InteractionInvalidation } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/component-helper'
const instance = new InteractionInvalidation()
// do not invalidate inside here
instance.setBypassSelector('.dnb-modal__content *')
// Enable the invalidation
// Optionally – you set a element selector – instead effecting everything inside the body
// Remove the invalidation

General helpers


Enhance the native anchor scroll handling by providing additional features like a custom offset.

import { scrollToLocationHashId } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
// in case there is a #hash in the url
const elem = scrollToLocationHashId({
offset: 100,
delay: 100,
onCompletion: (elem) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
}) // returns HTMLElement

* Optional values (defaults)

  • offset = 0
  • delay = null
  • onCompletion = null


Get the HTML Element offset to the top of the browser window, minus offset.

import { getOffsetTop } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
getOffsetTop(offset: Number) // returns Number


More info about that function in the focus section about better accessibility. Used together with setPageFocusElement.

import { applyPageFocus } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
applyPageFocus(key*: Number, callback*: Function)

* Optional values (defaults)

  • key = 'default'
  • callback = null


More info about that function in the focus section about better accessibility.

import { setPageFocusElement } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
setPageFocusElement(selectorOrElement, key*: String) // returns Void

* Optional values (defaults)

  • key = ''


Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked. The debounced function comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed func invocations.

import { debounce } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
const debounceFunc = ({ foo }) => { ... }
const debounced = debounce(
wait = 250, // milliseconds
immediate = false, // execute the debounceFunc on the leading end
instance = null // function or class instance for "this"
} = {},
debounced({ foo: 'bar'}) // delay the execution – again
debounced.cancel() // optional, cancel the execution


Copies the given string to the device's clipboard.

import { copyToClipboard } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/helpers'
copyToClipboard(string) // returns success: String|Boolean|Error

Device functions

isIE11Returns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isEdgeReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isSafariReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isiOSReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isMacReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isWinReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean
isLinuxReturns true or false, depending on the detection.noneBoolean

Device constants

IS_IE11Gives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_EDGEGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_SAFARIGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_IOSGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_MACGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_WINGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean
IS_LINUXGives you true or false, depending on the detection during startup.Boolean