
progress(optional) to visualize a static percentage (0-100) as a progress state. Defaults to null.
visible(optional) defines the visibility of the progress. Toggling the visible property to false will force a fade-out animation. Defaults to true.
type(optional) defines the type of progress, like circular or linear. Defaults to circular.
no_animation(optional) disables the fade-in and fade-out animation. Defaults to false.
min_time(optional) defines the minimum time the progress should be displayed. Defaults to null.
variant(optional) defines the color variant, like primary or secondary. Defaults to primary.
size(optional) defines the size, like large or medium. Defaults to medium.
label(optional) show a custom label to the right or under the indicator.
label_direction(optional) set it to vertical if you want the label to be placed under the indicator. Defaults to horizontal.
show_label(optional) if set to true a default label will be shown.
section_style(optional) to enable the visual helper .dnb-section class. Use a supported modifier from the Section component. Defaults to null.
section_spacing(optional) to modify the spacing. Use a supported modifier from the Section component. Defaults to null.
title(optional) used to set title and aria-label. Defaults to the value of progress property, formatted as a percent.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.