
style_type(optional) to define the style of the visual helper. Use and Style ID from below. Defaults to mint-green-12.
spacing(optional) will add spacing around the given content. If true, then large is used. Se the available sizes. Defaults to false.
element(optional) define what HTML element should be used. Defaults to <section>.
inner_ref(optional) by providing a React Ref we can get the internally used element (DOM). E.g. inner_ref={myRef} by using React.createRef() or React.useRef().
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.


You can easily customize the color.

mint-green-12(default) uses --color-mint-green-12.
whiteuses --color-white.
mint-greenuses --color-mint-green.
lavenderuses --color-lavender.
sand-yellowuses --color-sand-yellow.
pistachiouses --color-pistachio.
black-3uses --color-black-3.
emerald-greenuses --color-emerald-green.
fire-reduses --color-fire-red. Is used by GlobalStatus
divideruses --color-white as background with a border-line on top and bottom.
transparentCSS transparent. Used in situations where a Section is of interest, but without a color as a basis.