Importing the CSS

To include the packages dnb-ui-core, dnb-ui-components and dnb-theme-ui in a Node.js based environment (given you have a CSS loader in place), do this:

// This includes the "dnb-ui-core", "dnb-ui-components" and "dnb-theme-ui"
import '@dnb/eufemia/style'

Legacy import

Read more about how to deal with existing styles.

// NB: needs a wrapper class: ".dnb-core-style"
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/basis'
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/components'
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/themes/ui'

No Theme

If You want to import the styles of all components only - without dnb-theme-ui:

// No Theme is included
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/components'

Custom Theme

You may want to import a theme as well:

// No Theme is included
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/components'
// Default DNB UI Theme
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/theme'
// ... is equivalent to the default theme
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/themes/ui'
// ... or some other theme
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/themes/[NAME].css'

Single Component only

It is possible to import a single CSS Style of a single component at once:

// Import the minimum required package: "dnb-ui-basis"
import '@dnb/eufemia/style/basis'
// Imports only the Button CSS and Main DNB Theme
import '@dnb/eufemia/components/button/style'
import '@dnb/eufemia/components/button/style/themes/ui'