Getting Started

There are several ways to get started depending on what you want to do.

Do you want to...

  • simply use the HTML Elements right away?
  • customize the core DNB brand style and behavior?
  • use the basis and create theme on top?
  • make changes to the overall ui-lib?
  • change contents of the Eufemia Design System Portal (website)?

So, how do I get started?

You can follow an intro, guiding you through all the elementary parts of Eufemia.

And for sure, check out the code in the Demo Apps

Quick Intro

Code Editor Extensions

You may be interested to install an Eufemia code editor extension.

Please Contribute

Eufemia is a living design system. It doesn't have a 'finished' state. Continuous improvement, removal and addition of content is important if it is to remain relevant as a resource for current and future DNB products and services.

Your input, comments and discussions are all valuable. Reach out to us. And please contribute.