

The InfinityScroller component is a mode of the Pagination component which loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page. Go to Pagination for information on properties and events.

You can choose to use either <Pagination mode="infinity" /> or <InfinityScroller />.

Async data handling

Infinity scrolling requires additional handling of already loaded content. To do so, it stores already shown content and interacts from there.


Infinity scroller: Once content inside a page changes, we have to tell the component explicitly what "page" number happened, including the new content.

setContent(pageNumber, ReactComponent)

Infinity scroller and content handling

In order to update content into the internal pages stack, we have to get access to the component instance. There are several ways to do so.

Also, there are two type of handling content on:

  1. Either you fill the content as "pages" in a page per page basis (methods 1-3),
  2. or you have your own stack, and you only want use the infinity part (method 4).

Infinity scroller method #1

Create the instance before using it.

NB: Keep in mind, you may create the instance first during runtime, either in a class constructor or by using useState:

import { createPagination } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/Pagination'
// create our Component instance
const { Pagination, setContent, endInfinity, resetContent } =
// Later we can do call this (make sure the page is set by listening to the events)
setContent(page, ReactComponent)
render(<Pagination mode="infinity" />)

Infinity scroller method #2

Using the on_change event together with setContent.

import { Pagination } from '@dnb/eufemia/components'
on_change={({ page, setContent }) => {
setContent(page, ReactComponent)

Infinity scroller method #3

Using a set_content_handler handler.

import InfinityScroller from '@dnb/eufemia/components/pagination/InfinityScroller'
const [localPage, setLocalPage] = React.useState(1)
const setContent = React.createRef()
React.useEffect(() => {
setContent.current(localPage, ReactComponent)
}, [localPage])
set_content_handler={(fn) => (setContent = fn)}
on_change={({ page }) => {

Infinity scroller method #4

Using a InfinityMarker only. See code example on GitHub.

This method will basically add a load button on top, if startup_page or current_page is higher than 1 at the first render.

Also, it adds an indicator at the bottom until next render, and as long as page_count has not reached the internal page count. But instead of setting page_count (total pages), you can pragmatically call endInfinity() instead.

import { createPagination } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/Pagination'
// create our Component instance
const { InfinityMarker, endInfinity, resetInfinity } =

Legacy browser support (Internet Explorer 11)

The infinity scroller is using the Intersection Observer API. This API is supported by all nowadays browsers. But if your applications need support for outdated browser, you can install e.g. this IntersectionObserver polyfill and import it:

import 'intersection-observer'


Infinity scroller with load button

A load button is shown at the bottom by having use_load_button={true} - but here we define our startup_page={5}, so we also get a load button on top.

on_load={({ page, setContent }) => {
// simulate server communication delay
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
setContent(page, (
}, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 500))
return () => clearTimeout(timeout)

Infinity scroller with custom load indicator

indicator_element={() => (
<LargePage color="lightgreen">Loading ...</LargePage>
on_load={({ page, setContent }) => {
// simulate server communication delay
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
setContent(page, (
}, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 500))
return () => clearTimeout(timeout)
on_end={({ page, setContent }) => {
setContent(page, <LargePage color="lightgreen">End</LargePage>)

Infinity scroller with unknown page_count

on_load={({ page, setContent, endInfinity }) => {
// simulate server communication delay
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if(page > 10){
else {
setContent(page, (
}, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1e3))
return () => clearTimeout(timeout)
on_end={({ page, setContent }) => {
<LargePage color="lightgreen">

Advanced Table infinity scroller

You can find the code either on GitHub or on CodeSandbox

Infinity Table

This is a semantic correct table using infinity scrolling. It also has a sticky header.

  • The startup page number is set to 3.
  • And per page we show 10 items.
  • A random delay is added to simulate asynchronous interaction.
<HeightLimit height="60rem">
<PaginationTableExample />