Default and Medium-sized icons (Responsive)
<Icon icon={Bell} title="Give Icons a Title, or ..." /><Icon icon={BellMedium} aria-hidden /><Bell title="I'm not responsive!" />{/* <- Not responsive! */}
Icons with border. NB: Use it with caution. It should not be used where it can confuse users with being a clickable button.
<P><Icon border="true" icon={Bell} right /><Icon border="true" icon={BellMedium} size="medium" right /><IconPrimary border="true" icon={"information"} right /><IconPrimary border="true" icon={"information"} size="medium" right /><Buttonicon={<IconPrimary icon="add" border />}text="Button"/></P>
Responsive to its inherited h1 with auto sized icon
<h1 className="dnb-h--xx-large">h1 with auto sized{' '}<Icon icon={BellMedium} size="auto" aria-hidden />{' '}icon</h1>
Icon color variations
All of these methods will output the same color
<Icon icon={BellMedium} color="var(--color-fire-red)" title="CSS variable" /><Icon icon={BellMedium} color="#DC2A2A" title="Hex" /><Icon icon={BellMedium} color="rgb(220,42,42)" title="RGB" />