GlobalError (404)


status(optional) status code defines the view showing up.
status_content(optional) a JSON object or a JS object providing the status texts. More details below.
title(optional) defining a title will overwrite the default provided by status_content.
text(optional) defining a text will overwrite the default provided by status_content.
alt(optional) defining a alt text for the SVG graphic will overwrite the default provided by status_content.
back(optional) the text of the back button. Defaults to Tilbake. Can also be a React component.
href(optional) instead of using the default window.history.back() you can provide the back button and text link with a url.
children(optional) if needed, add additional content under the main content.

Status Content

The structure for the status_content property.

404: {
title: ...,
text: ...,
alt: ...,
500: {
title: ...,
text: ...,
alt: ...