The FormSet component gives you both a HTML form element <form>
by default and also a React provider for FormRow. This way you can define more globally e.g. if all the rows should be displayed vertically.
<FormSet direction="vertical"><FormRow>/** Components are now vertical aligned */</FormRow><FormRow>/** Components are now vertical aligned */</FormRow></FormSet>
as a Provider for FormRow
Use the <FormSet indent="true"><FormRow no_label><H2>A semantic h2 in a FormRow without a label</H2></FormRow><FormRow section_style="default" section_spacing label="Long Group name Vitae dapibus eros viverra torquent euismod at dignissim vel mattis:"><Radio.Groupvalue="first"><Radio label="First" value="first" /><Radio label="Second" value="second" /><Radio label="Third" value="third" /></Radio.Group></FormRow></FormSet>
FormSet where FormRow inherits the direction
<FormSet direction="vertical"><FormRow label={<Space element="span" className="dnb-h--large">Custom Legend:</Space>}><Input label="Label:" bottom /><Input label="Label:" /></FormRow></FormSet>
event and prevent_submit
set to true
FormSet with <FormSetdirection="horizontal"on_submit={({ event }) => console.log('on_submit', event)}prevent_submit={true}><FormRow><Input label="Search Input:" type="search" value="Search text ..." right="small" /><Button type="submit" text="Trigger submit" /></FormRow></FormSet>