
onConfirm(optional) For variant confirmation, handle the confirm action click. Provided with the mouse event and the Modal function close as arguments.
onDecline(optional) For variant confirmation, handle the decline action click. Provided with the mouse event and the Modal function close as arguments.

Dialog also includes the same events as Modal.

onOpen / on_open(optional) This event gets triggered once the modal shows up. Returns the modal id: { id }.`.
onClose / on_close(optional) this event gets triggered once the modal gets closed. Returns the modal id: { id, event, triggeredBy }.
onClosePrevent / on_close_prevent(optional) this event gets triggered once the user tries to close the modal, but prevent_close is set to true. Returns a callback close You can call to trigger the close mechanism. More details below. Returns the modal id: { id, event, close: Method, triggeredBy }