
Avatar properties

size(optional) Size of the Avatar. Options: small|medium|large|x-large. Defaults to medium.
children(optional) Content of the component.
alt(optional) Used in combination with src to provide an alt attribute for the img element.
src(optional) Specifies the path to the image
skeleton(optional) Applies loading skeleton.
imgProps(optional)Image properties applied to the img element if the component is used to display an image.
variant(optional) Override the variant of the component. Options: primary|secondary|
hasLabel(optional) If aria-hidden is set to "true" or if a label is given, typical inside a table or dl (definition list), then you can disable Avatar.Group as a dependent of Avatar. Use true to omit the Avatar group required: warning.tertiary. Defaults to primary.
className(optional) Custom className for the component root.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.

Avatar.Group properties

label(required) The label description of the group of avatars.
size(optional) Size of the Avatars, and "elements hidden text (+x)". Options: small|medium|large|x-large. Defaults to medium.
variant(optional) Override the variant of the Avatars. Options: primary|secondary|tertiary. Defaults to primary.
maxElements(optional) Number of max displayed elements, including the "elements hidden text (+x)". Defaults to 4.
children(optional) The Avatars to group.
className(optional) Custom className for the component root.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.
skeleton(optional) Applies loading skeleton.