Issue reporting

If you discover a security issue in the @dnb/eufemia library, please report it by sending an email to This will allow us to assess the risk, and make a fix available before we add a bug report to the GitHub repository. Thanks for helping out.

When reporting issues or suggesting new features, we would appreciate if you use GitHub Issues or our Jira Kanban board. Another option is to send a Slack message in #eufemia-web.

GitHub issues

When reporting issues on GitHub, you need to have a GitHub account.

First step is to click on the New issue button in the Issues tab on GitHub.

Screenshot of the location of new issue button on GitHub

The next step will show you all the possibilities for new issues. Create a new Bug Report or a Feature Proposal to go next.

Screenshot of the possibilities in creating a new issue

These will each have a prepared template you need to fill out in order to submit your issue.

Eufemia Version

You can see your Eufemia version (above v9.22.0) by typing Eufemia.version in your browser console.