
Publishing new versions to the NPM Package (@dnb/eufemia) is handled by a Deploy Server.

Continuous Integration (CI)

The Portal (dnb-design-system-portal), all the icons and the NPM Package (@dnb/eufemia) are build, deployed and released by a Continuous Integration (CI) server.

Release GitFlow

The steps, from code changes to production builds, are:

  1. Make a Pull Request to the origin/main branch.
  2. Check the results of the CI tests and builds.
  3. After the Pull Request got approved by one of the authored maintainers,
  4. You can merge your Pull Request.
  5. A maintainer will create a Pull Request into one of the release branches (next, alpha, beta or release).
  6. After a release Pull Request got merged, the CI Server will deploy the Portal and release a new version to NPM.

How to make releases

Make sure you only make Pull Request from origin/main into origin/release. The release branch (origin/release) is more like a secondary branch. It contains the state of the latest version as well as all the git tags – each containing a new version number.

NB: All example steps are for beta versions, but will apply for next or alpha versions as well.

How to release the first next, alpha or beta?

First, we need to ensure our beta branch contains the latest git tags:

  1. git fetch
  2. git switch origin/beta
  3. git reset --hard origin/release

Now, you may either merge/cherry-pick locally or via a Pull Request:

In order to deal with rebasing and merging of several branches, it may be preferable to do it locally. You need git push to remote access (GitHub).

We continue locally:

  1. git merge {your-feature-branch}
  2. git push --force-with-lease

Our beta version will now get released.

How to release another next, alpha or beta version?

  1. git switch {your-feature-branch}
  2. git checkout -b {your-feature-branch}-beta
  3. git rebase origin/beta
  4. git switch beta
  5. git merge {your-feature-branch}-beta
  6. git push --force-with-lease

Our beta version will now get released.

How run a dry release locally

If you are unsure about what version will be released, you can run a so called dry-run locally.

Run the steps and prepare the git branches as above, but before you push to origin, you can run:

  1. yarn publish:dry

How to create a local package

Run yarn workspace @dnb/eufemia build:pack and you should get this file: /build/dnb-eufemia-v0.0.0-development.